Exceptions are thrown in different places or layers of the ADF application. ADF framework allow applications to register general error handlers on different layers.
Create a task flow called base-taskflow-template.xml.
In base-taskflow-template.xml,
- create a bean class TashFlowErrorHandler. In the class, create a method called
public void handleException() {//add handling logic}
- add it to base-taskflow-template.xml as request scope.
- add a method-call named ErrorHandler, marked it as Exception Handler.
All task flows extend base-taskflow-template.xml. So exceptions are handled by the registered handler.
Bean Exception Handling
When the ADF view layer calls a method from a managed bean and this method throws an exception, the default ADFExceptionHandler is called. To override the default behavior,
Create class BeanExceptionHandler
public class BeanExceptionHandler extends ExceptionHandler
To register the exception handler, create a file called "oracle.adf.view.rich.context.ExceptionHandler"
add text (class full qualified name) in the file:
put this file in master application (deployed as ear file) under folder below (create if doesn't exist)
Binding Error Handler
Managed bean may call Application Module methods by DataControls. Such calls use the bindings which are handled by the DataBindings.cpx mainly.
Create a class called
public class BindingErrorHandler extends DCErrorHandlerImpl
In master application DataBindings.cpx, we define the ErrorHandlerClass="com.abc.view.util.BindingErrorHandler
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